
This page contains information about how to get started with homeschooling in New Mexico. Continue scrolling to find information about resources local to Albuquerque as well as some online tools!

Getting Started

Step 1: Make the decision to homeschool your child(ren). This link provides FAQs about the laws regarding homeschooling in NM.

Step 2: Register them as homeschoolers with the state of New Mexico here.

Step 3: Create your homeschool experience! This is the fun part! You and your children get to decide how learning happens now! You can purchase a pencil and paper curriculum to follow. You can sign up for online programs that your child works through. You can find groups, classes, clubs, and meetups to join. Take field trips, cook and bake, make art, and follow your children’s interests.

If you are on Facebook, there are a large variety of local homeschool groups to join. These groups are a wealth of information with advice from many parents who have been doing this for a long time! They offer their feedback on different curriculum as well as organize meetups and provide recommendations for local activities. The Albuquerque area is a wonderful place to homeschool because there is a large community of families to meet and learn with!

At AHC, we are proponents of self-directed education or “unschooling”. This is a style of homeschooling that allows the student’s interests and curiosities to drive the path of learning. We trust children to gain knowledge organically. If you are curious about how this could look for your family, please visit our Coaching and Consulting page for more information.

~~~~~~~~ Scroll on for Helpful Resources ~~~~~~~~