The Beginning

Hi, my name is Kristen or Kris…or Ms. K as some kids like to call me! I was a public school teacher for over 17 years and have been a mom since 2012. During the 2020-2021 pandemic school year, I was able to engage in some deep reflection about my values as both an educator and a parent. As an educator, I believe that children need freedom to explore their passions and strengths. They need support, encouragement, and collaboration with other people to build and expand their strengths. As a parent, I believe that my own children need me to be more present than my career as a public school teacher was allowing. In rediscovering these beliefs, I came to the conclusion that it was time for me to leave my current career path in education and embark on a new adventure! ABQ Homeschool Connection centers my values as an educator as well as the health of my family. Come learn, play, and grow with us!

How we’ve grown…

As we jumped feet first into a child-centered, natural learning homeschool approach, our business changes and grows with us. We have welcomed several partner teachers and continue to adjust our offerings based on the needs and requests from the community! We have held a few fun events for our community and plan to continue offering what people tell us they want!

More on our approach…

We believe that students of all ages learn best and most meaningfully when they follow their personal interests, passions, and curiosity. Our classes are designed to offer opportunities that invite learners to explore, discover, and do. Our approach follows the understanding that no matter what we are doing - playing, talking, building, etc - we are learning. Additionally, we value the benefits of multi-age learning communities. When children are grouped together by age, as in a conventional public school, competition becomes a prime motivator for learning. Whereas in a multi-age setting, collaboration becomes the main avenue for learning. We believe the first grants only some students with a satisfactory learning experience, while the latter provides every participant with a more rewarding and purposeful learning experience!

Kris and her two daughters

Kris and her two daughters



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